ALA Code of Ethics

The ALA has recently revised its governance documents. Our revised Code of Ethics (2015) now identifies five key areas that underpin our breeders’ practice. Our rules align with one of each of these five pillars. Amendments to the Rules will be made from time to time through membership endorsement as we strive to ensure that our governance remains contemporary and adequately safeguards the breed and the animals we care for.


Abide by the constitution[1], rules[2] and policies[3] of the Australian Labradoodle Association (ALA) and any disciplinary action as well as be responsible for accurately representing, promoting and protecting the Australian Labradoodle breed.


Adopt a high standard of care and welfare of their animals that meets or exceeds legislated requirements.


Improve, or at minimum maintain the standard of the breed and in consideration of health, welfare and soundness of dogs.


Maintain and share when required, accurate breeding and health records, contracts and pedigrees.


Act professionally, with integrity and competence, in their dealings with others.

[1] Rules of the Australian Labradoodle Association, Incorporated. Revised July 2023
[2] Rules and Regulations revised July 2024
[3] All Australian Labradoodle Association policies published periodically and accessible through the ALA website

